About us

Fly High PALMA

Located in the city centre of PALMA DE MALLORCA you can find 2 rooms connected to create a single open space, a room dedicated to Pole Sport and another dedicated to Antigravity, Bungee and Aerial Arts. You can enjoy 7+4 professional pole dance poles of ThePole brand 4.5mt high and 5 hooks for aerial arts, aerial silk, aerial hoop, aerial yoga, trx, bungee.

Fly High INCA

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Our headquarters are both in the city centre of PALMA DE MALLORCA and INCA, close to the stations and shops.

Two centres in Mallorca specialised in promoting the art of Pole dance and suspension sports such as Aerial Arts, Bungee, Antigravity / Aerial yoga; and much more.

It is not a classic gym but an association that wants to extend the passion of private sports in suspension to more people, and by choice works with a limited number of partners for safety. Fly High Mallorca is a cultural and sports association of members who want to train in a family environment with many innovations in the sports world. An association that, thanks to its collaborators and teaching partners who value continuous training, takes care of everyone from the physical part to the emotional part.

The Association:

Registered in the National Register of Associations of the Ministry of the Interior and aims to promote cultural and sports events on Pole dance (we present and judge international competitions of pole dance and aerial arts; how to bring members and students to compete in artistic and sports competitions); promote the sport by performing each year a show within the academy or in theatre or with exhibitions in several events; promote the training of new professionals of this sport by collaborating with an external training program and giving the possibility to the most talented partners to Teach and develop a future new profession in these sports. Members with the fee will be able to access free weekly flexibility classes, free practice hours, free training sessions such as Power Fit, free advanced flexibility sessions for the highest levels of the academy. Our association is created and its cover by 99% of women so dedicated self-Defence workshops and classes dedicated to the development of the female part are organised.


Acrobatics Academy in Palma

Why choose us?

Small groups

Small group classes: The groups are small in number, with a maximum that varies between 5 and 12 people per class depending on the activity

Quality partner

To maintain a high standard of quality use only tools from the best brands such as Blackroll, Antigravity, ThePole!

Quality care

The teachers are specialised in their courses. You can always choose the same teacher if you wish and everyone knows the needs of their students to help them achieve their goals


All activities are suitable for basics as well as experts, and to help you learn better some classes will be divided into 2 or + levels

Our numbers

Fly High Mallorca in numbers! Your association and vertical fitness training academy in Palma specialised in Pole dance, Aerial arts, Bungee, AntiGravity, Aerial Yoga, Acroyoga, Fit Ballet, Acrobatic kids!
Weekly hours
Free practice hours
Google satisfaction
Descarga nuestro Boletín Asociacíón


What do people say about us on Google?
  • Fly High es una académia fantástica, que pone en valor diferentes deportes que, en muchos casos, se pueden entender como una forma de arte. Manu, la esencia de Fly High, está siempre pendiente, y su experiencia en este ámbito se combina con una muy buena capacidad para enseñar. Una profesionalidad inmejorable.

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  • Un lugar de encuentro maravilloso. Manuela es una profesional excepcional y muy amable. Pásate, tienen clases de prueba que te engancharán. Aconsejado 💯

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  • Una escuela fantástica de acrobacia aérea con profesoras profesionales y estupendas. Tienen clases de prueba económicas y también puedes regalarlas a tus amigos! Hay muy buen ambiente, están pendientes de tí en todo momento, cuidan el calentamiento previo y el estiramiento de después del ejercicio. Absolutamente recomendable!

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  • Impecable el trato y ha sido divertidísimo, nos lo hemos pasado fenomenal! Recomendadísimo.

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  • ¡Fantásticos maestros, divertidos y muy bien informados! En Fly High inmediatamente me sentí seguido desde el principio y es un placer tener lecciones cada vez. Si pudiera dejar 6 estrellas lo haría ❤️

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  • En FlyHigh inmediatamente me sentí como amigos. La academia es hermosa, acogedora y está impecablemente limpia.
    Pero lo mejor son los profesores: Manuela, una garantía, y Verónica.
    Siempre tienes la sensación de que te siguen como en una lección privada.
    100.000 estrellas, no solo 5

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  • Profesores muy amables y cualificados. Todos hablan inglés y te brindan todo el tiempo y la atención que necesitas. Ofrecen clases tanto para principiantes como para profesionales y te hacen sentir como en casa desde el momento en que entras por la puerta.

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  • Las mejores profes de Mallorca. Creces mucho en esta escuela.

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